
Each of these adventures are researched, scripted and mapped by Caroline Cook, who is also your guide.

All tours can be scheduled as a run, walk, or step-on bus tour.  Tours meet in the lobby of the JW Marriott Hotel, unless otherwise noted.  Those available as a virtual tour in presentation form are also noted.

Tours are 60 – 90 minutes of activity.  

Lapping the Landmarks

An absolute “must-do” for visitors, new residents and longtime citizens who want a new perspective on our fair city!  We’ll cruise by Campau Square, named after the founding father of Grand Rapids, on our way to explore some of the city’s “first and finest” including historic sites, hotels, bridges, museums, Indian mounds, churches, the Grand River and more…all neatly contained in a downtown loop.  Simply, fascinating!  You are sure to exclaim, “I never knew that!”

African American History on the Grand

If we review the demographic changes over the less-than-200 years that Grand Rapids has been a city on the banks of the Grand River, the ethnic makeup of our population has shifted dramatically. This tour specifically examines the African American population from 1826 until present.  We’ll pass touchstones that prompt the telling of the tales of remarkable African American people, places, events and issues. This topic is also available as a presentation.

A Grand History of River City

Grand, indeed.  Grand in rich, glorious details, but really, more like a short story than a long tale.  Our history is but a blink in time. Retelling the story of who and when in Grand Rapids history is unbelievably fleeting compared to world history, yet immensely interesting…so much so, that it is an enormous task to confine the discussion to one hour. This visual presentation is 60ish minutes of fabulous historical photographs supporting a timeline beginning with geology through present time and into the future.  This topic is only available as a presentation.

All-Star Athletes & Astronauts

The history & evidence of “sports” extends as far back as cave drawings. Locally, who are our most famous athletes…those persons who are most proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise?  Who amongst us are Olympic athletes? Astronauts? Today, team, we are going to visit places & hear stories that remind us of these inspiring heroes, past and present.  Just do it!  This topic is also available as a presentation.

Architecture of Downtown Grand Rapids…Parts One, Two, Three and Four

We invent cities.  We create streets and we construct buildings. Whether the structures are historic, brand new, a combination of both, or a glimpse into our future, they provide a creative portrayal of our collective story of our “place”, our built environment.  Not one architectural style is more important than another…they are all invaluable pages in our city’s scrapbook.  Each building tells a story as we physically move through time.  Part One showcases our earliest buildings prior to Urban Renewal, Part Two focuses on post-Urban Renewal and Reinvention, Part Three examines recent construction and future projects, and Part Four celebrates all of the other buildings…an attempt to fill in the cracks…to connect the dots in our mind’s streetscape. In total, we study 60+ downtown buildings. This topic is also available as a series of four presentations.

Architecture ZOO

At about the point in history when our city of Grand Rapids was growing at an exponential rate in the second half of the 1800’s, the U.S. was developing the talent, the economic power, and the taste for buildings grand enough to need architectural sculpture.  The Beaux-Arts style dominated major public buildings, both across our growing nation and city…a style which depended on integrated figural sculpture for its aesthetic effect.  This tour will take you by downtown architectural sculpture specifically consisting of animals…a sculptural zoo!  This topic is also available as a presentation.

Art For All …Parts One, Two and Three

See why Grand Rapids is hailed as one of America’s most creative cities!  We’ll move through the city center in hunt of significant public artwork, including the 42-ton Alexander Calder sculpture that symbolizes the city’s innovative spirit.  Oh, so many treasures!  Between the three routes, we’ll discover an abundance of creative expressions, including bronze statues, landscape art, an art museum, a tire swing, a split ring, a clock tower, an art & design school, an astronaut, an entire park, an Avenue of the Arts, plus LOVE. So much to see and so little time – so there are three routes – two east of the river and the other is west of the river. You’ll find the activity physically and artistically stimulating.  This topic is also available as a series of two presentations.

ArtPrize! (Late September – Early October)

What a glorious feast for the senses!  See the intriguing artwork, smell the crisp fall air, and hear the pop-up musical presentations, as we weave through a bustling downtown. You’ll get a glimpse of the nearly 1,000 works of art that line the streets, parks and buildings as part of the world’s richest art competition.  Learn all about the back stories…who and why and how…the artists, the muses, and the creations that never fail to push the boundaries of public art in Grand Rapids.

ArtPrize Afterglow

For 19 days and nights in late September and early October, the city of Grand Rapids is a mecca for art enthusiasts from around the world.  Artists, art aficionados, critics, and creative novices stroll the streets of this incredible outdoor gallery, hoping for inspiration and glimpses of man-made beauty.  The benefit of being local is the “afterglow”. This tour reveals the proof of ArtPrize competitions past…the public masterpieces that reside permanently in GR. We visit these gifts to the city and discover the back stories…how these pieces became so enduringly valuable.  This topic is also available as a presentation.

B is for Blandford  

This magical place, where you are encouraged to get your hands and boots dirty – perhaps elbow or knee deep in mud – is a place where memories are both revealed and made.  Blandford Nature Center believes that adults and children learn best through personal experience in nature and with wildlife.  This tour takes you through the B’s – the friendly beasts, the historic buildings, the acres of bark along the trails, the barns of the farm, and the new beginnings at both the associated schools and The Highlands.  Learn about Mary Jane Dockeray, the founder, and how she began a chapter in her life that she never imagined would grow into this incredible corner of the world.  This tour meets at the outside of the Visitor Center at Blandford Nature Center.

City Sights… Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five and Six

This roving tour of downtown Grand Rapids is designed for passengers in a vehicle…a much broader sweep than the other “themed” running and walking tours.  Relax in the comfort of your organization’s van or bus with nary a concern for iffy weather and sore feet.  Your knowledgable tour ambassador will step on your bus and verbally walk you through a historical, cultural, and current events primer of “everything Grand Rapids”.  Moving through distinct neighborhoods, each with their own quirky personalities, you will hear fascinating stories about the places that make Grand Rapids unique.  Opportunity to “step-off” to learn more about key sights can be provided.  These bus tours are approximately 75 minutes in length.

Civil War and Valley City

Grand Rapids, the Valley City, was eager to support the war between the states.  Kent County sent more than 4,000 men to war – 5% of the state’s “boys in blue”.  Off to the battle fields, these soldiers bravely and enthusiastically answered the call to arms. Likewise, on the home front, there were resilient loved ones who endured the hardships of a nation at war.  We will wander through the streets of Grand Rapids, in search of reminders of this monumental historical milestone…the war between the states.  Ready to muster in?  This topic is also available as a presentation.

Distillery Dash

Not including pre-prohibition history, Grand Rapids has been a mecca for craft beer lovers for around 25 years now, beckoning beer drinkers from ‘round the world to BEER CITY, USA.  Locally, we’re spoiled…connoisseurs of the amber fluid.  The breweries have fine-tuned our palettes AND bolstered our local entertainment industry immeasurably. Now, the spotlight turns from brew culture to spirits culture.  This tour celebrates the “other” beverage industry.  This is a hooch hike!  We are rum runners!   It is, proudly, a showcase of local Grand Rapids distilled liquor makers.  This tour is best as a running or bus tour…we cover a lot of ground.

Early East Grand Rapids

This area was first settled in the early 1830’s when the Reed family arrived from New York state.  By the 1870’s, the Reeds Lake area was a popular summertime destination for the people of Grand Rapids who made the long journey to spend the day picnicking, boating, swimming, and to escape the heat of the city.  Perhaps you remember Ramona Park, Rose’s Bathing Beach, and the Grand Rapids Yacht Club? Enjoy tales of the past and learn what’s happening today in this charming city of just 10,000 people that was named recently as the third best place to live in Michigan.  This tour meets in the parking lot at D & W Fresh Market on Wealthy Street.

Firehouse Fun

We’re hot to trot on this sizzlin’ route. Envision early Grand Rapids…streets lined with wooden buildings, illuminated by candles or oil lamps and heated with wood stoves.  Fires were dangerously commonplace.  Fire protection consisted mainly of a few fire buckets and as many hands as possible. The makeshift fire brigade gave way to 10 majestic Firehouses in Grand Rapids by the year 1910.  Some of these are still standing, a couple are still operating, and others are long gone.   Find out which ones are which on this jaunt through downtown. This topic is also available as a presentation.

Fulton Street Graveyard 

175+ years ago, in 1838, the new village of Grand Rapids opened their first public graveyard – just 12 years after the arrival of Louis Campau. As the first and the oldest graveyard in Grand Rapids history, these humble monuments and graves commemorate fascinating lives of first generation G-Rap colonists. Aren’t you just dying to know WHO? Enjoy a dramatic narrative while we wander through this quiet place of remembrance.  Hop aboard the time machine… and see where original pioneer settlers of Grand Rapids lay in rest.  Walkers meet at the Fulton Street Cemetery, runners meet in the lobby of the JW Marriott.  This topic is also available as a presentation.

Furniture City USA

Over the course of 50 short years, small family-owned furniture shops grew into large-scale furniture manufacturers, earning Grand Rapids the titles of Furniture City USA, The Furniture City, America’s Furniture Capital, and The Paris of Furniture Design.   We’ll learn about the furniture manufacturers as we explore the intriguing remnants of the residential furniture glory years: 1870 – 1930.  Discover why “timing was everything” for our frontier city. Ultimately, our fine furniture captured the world’s attention and dominated the economic landscape of Grand Rapids. This topic is also available as a presentation.

Grand Rapids Most Haunted

Do you believe in ghosts, ghouls, poltergeists, apparitions, phantoms, spooks, psychic phenomena or things that go “bump” in the night? If one person sees a ghost, even if several times, you may blame it on an active imagination; but if two or more people see the same spirit in the same place several years apart, you may just reconsider.  This tour takes you by iconic locations where there have been waaaaay MORE than just two sightings or unusual activity.   There are two questions that we attempt to answer on each stop of this spooky journey…Did someone suffer a tragic death here?  Is this story LEGEND or REAL?  This topic is also available as a presentation.

Grand Rapids Polonia

Many Poles who immigrated to Grand Rapids in the mid to late 1800’s arrived with hope in their hearts – for a new beginning in the USA.  They came to Grand Rapids to work in the local furniture factories and gypsum mines in order to provide for their families.  By day, they assimilated to their new American lifestyle – mixing with a myriad of other ethnicities.  But, as they returned to their homes each evening, they settled like birds of a feather, flocking together.  For comfort and to keep their ethnic identities alive, they built churches, schools, social halls, businesses, and homes near neighbors of the same nationality.  On this bus tour, we will drive by clues that remain of the Polish neighborhoods that once flourished on both the west side and east side of the Grand River.  This topic is only available as a presentation or bus tour.

Grand Rapids Trivia Presentation and Game

We have spent many afternoons and evenings together over the years, touring Grand Rapids either walking, in a bus or in front of a screen. You have heard an abundance of GR trivia…past, present and future.  It’s time to test your knowledge, in a fun, non-judgmental way,  While, normally, trivia games cover a wide variety of academic subjects from around the world, these trivia questions feature everything Grand Rapids. Period.  Following a short presentation on the history of trivia, we’’ll engage in a trivia game…50 chances to win fun, small, sometimes tasty prizes!

Great Romance Stories of Grand Rapids

A great romance story has some conflict, some difficulties…a sympathetic heroine and a strong, irresistible hero.  And in the end, a great romance story reminds us that love is something so powerful that it is worth sacrificing for.  But in the real world, and specifically, here in west Michigan, are there examples of these compelling tales that demonstrate the qualities of a Hollywood or New York Times bestseller romance story?  Of course! They are all around us.  Once upon a time…  This topic is also available as a presentation.

Greener Grand Rapids

Sustainability is a priority for Grand Rapids. We’ve earned worldwide attention, recognition and respect for our Green efforts. Named “America’s Greenest City” by Fast Company magazine, Grand Rapids continues to be noticed for its “LEEDership” in sustainable efforts. Grand Rapids is blessed with abundant natural resources, and we are committed to protecting and preserving this very special environment.  Join us on a  journey through our clean, forward-thinking metropolis.  Be greenspired!  This topic is also available as a presentation.

Greenwood Cemetery 

Visit the west side of Grand Rapids’ first cemetery!  Located on Leonard Street N.W. at Walker Avenue, the beautiful park-like setting will transport you in time, when the city population was growing in the second half of the 1800’s.  Truly, this cemetery is a green oasis, on wooded property, high above the city.  We’ll stroll up and over the slopes and wind our way through the charming knolls and glens; all the while surrounded by a multitude of interesting monuments…each representing stories of earlier, mostly middle class, Grand Rapidians. This topic is also available as a presentation.

Heartside Neighborhood Six Part Series

It started as merely a marshy area alongside the Grand River.  As our fledgling village started to grow into a city, the area we call Heartside today, was the first home for newcomers.  With the construction of an impressive train depot, the neighborhood evolved into a commercial and industrial center.  And that was not the only change over time.  There are multiple chapters in the evolution of this historic district. We are now learning to appreciate Heartside in an entirely new way.  But, it takes some walking, talking and listening to take notice, and to fall in love with this iconic near- south- side of Grand Rapids.  The tours are delivered as Grand River Ramble (A Focus on Origins), Immigrant Gateway (A Focus on Who), Entertainment Expedition (A Focus on Hospitality), Historic Habitation (A Focus on Living), Civic Awakening (A Focus on Culture), and Faith & the Future (A Focus on Churches).

Heritage Hill and Frank Lloyd Wright

Small in stature, big in legend.  This man’s contribution to architecture is so big, in fact, that he created a style that became the basis of 20th century residential design in the United States.  Not a trend, but a lasting genre. Mr. Wright was introduced to the “hill district” in Grand Rapids in the early 1900’s.  Learn about the storied architect and his contribution to the local architectural landscape in a turn-of-the-century, predominantly Victorian-inspired neighborhood…one home officially FLW, one home semi-official, and two homes officially “influenced”.  This topic is only available as a presentation or bus tour.

Heritage Hill Hauntings

Are you surprised that there are ghosts on Heritage Hill?  Don’t be.  The stately homes of Heritage Hills may reflect the grace, dignity and formality of another era, but because most of these Victorian dwellings were built in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, ghost stories abound. Tenacious and playful spirits are still hanging around.  Some of the accounts are scary, some silly, some believable, some not.  Some are legends from long ago, some are recent.  We will explore this beautiful neighborhood, day or night (if you dare), while your guide tells spooky tales that have been passed on to us by either present or once-occupants of the houses.  This tour meets at the first level of the parking ramp at the Masonic Temple on Fulton Street.  The topic is also available as a presentation.

Heritage Hill History of Homes…Parts One, Two, Three, Four and Five

If you want to time travel – and step back into an era of graceful, elegant living and imagine life as heir to a furniture company fortune – then, explore Heritage Hill.  This is the city’s oldest residential district and Michigan’s largest and finest concentration of nineteenth and early twentieth-century houses. These were the homes of lumber barons, politicians, bankers, attorneys, judges, and clothiers who shaped the city’s future. This is was where the upper crust lived…on “the hill”. Learn about the history of these magnificent historic homes…their architecture and the people who built them. This tour is divided into multiple parts as it traverses varying sections of the stunning, tree-lined residential streets.  This topic is also available as two presentations.

Heritage Hill Victorian Christmas

Let’s pretend it’s December at the turn of the century, during the reign of Queen Victoria.  Grand Rapids has earned the title of Furniture City USA.  The owners of the impressive mansions are celebrating the holidays in style. As we move through the beautiful neighborhood in the evening, we’ll enjoy the festive lighting, learn about the original owners of the homes and share Victorian Christmas traditions.  This topic is also available as a presentation.

Highland Park Neighborhood

Grand Rapids is now a city with just under 200,000 people in a county of nearly 700,000 people. To encourage a sense of “community”, there are 32 neighborhood associations within the city of Grand Rapids.  Some big, some little, some old, some new… but they are equally important to the families and individuals who reside or carry on business within their boundaries.  One such neighborhood, the Highland Park neighborhood is bordered to the north by Leonard Street, to the east by Fuller Avenue, I-196 to the south, and to the west by College Avenue. The residents proudly believe that their neighborhood is one of the “best kept secrets” in Grand Rapids with its affordable homes, convenience to downtown and speedy access to freeways.  You’ll learn about then, through now.  This topic is only available as a presentation or bus tour.

Honoring Diversity

Historically, a myriad of cultural influences shaped our city then – and are what make Grand Rapids unique today.  We are home to people of every race, color, religion, lifestyle, gender, age, marital status, handicap, socio-economic status and many national origins. Each group has indelibly contributed to the evolution of individual neighborhoods, the whole city, and this West Michigan region.  Today, our living kaleidoscope is a vibrant, intensely colorful and rich community that thrives upon collaboration while honoring diversity.  Learn about our city’s colorful past while physically moving through this local anthropological timeline.

Lady Legends…Parts One and Two 

The number of organizations or causes that were founded or inspired by a woman or a group of women in Grand Rapids history, recent and long, is staggering.  Most of these institutions continue to operate today and have touched the lives of countless citizens through the years. We visit abundant, noteworthy sights that originated with women.  You’ll be impressed!  This topic is also available as a presentation in two parts.

Legacies & Legends in Bronze…Parts One and Two

The Grand Rapids Community Legends Project was established by local philanthropist and businessman, Peter Secchia and his family, in 2008 with the intent of keeping local history alive.  They made a pledge to provide downtown Grand Rapids with a selection of no less than 25 bronze tributes of Grand Rapids’ most notable contributors. There are currently twelve 7-foot tall bronze sculptures placed throughout the urban core that have been gifted by the Project.  In the words of Peter Secchia, “How will you know who you can be, if you do not know who you have been?”  Discover who, what, and where on this blended tour of statue art and local history.  This topic is also available as one presentation.

M & M…Mathias Alten and Armand Merizon…Parts One & Two

Have you considered, that it is very difficult to enter a prominent building in downtown Grand Rapids and not find a painting by Mathias Alten or Armand Merizon.  Their work pleasantly surprises us inside on public walls throughout the city – in the Grand Rapids Public Library, St. Cecilia Music Center, historically significant churches, hospitals, universities and galleries.  Mathias Alten lived 1871 – 1938.  Armand Merizon lived 1920 – 2010.  Their lives overlapped for 18 years…perhaps just a smidge of their artistic careers.  These two world-renowned, master artists made their home in Grand Rapids and are to be celebrated and appreciated here!  Accordingly, Part One studies the life and career of MATHIAS, and Part Two, focuses on the life and career of MERIZON.  This topic is also available as two presentations.

Market to Market (June – October)

This is a delightful journey through Grand Rapids with a spotlight on fresh food…”farm to foot”.  The tour begins downtown and meanders east and slightly uphill through the Heartside, Heritage Hill and Midtown neighborhoods before arriving at the city’s oldest farm market – the Fulton Street Market – bustling with shoppers and delectables.  Onward through East Town and down the Wealthy Street corridor to the newest food marvel in town – the Downtown Market – alive with epicureans and local mouth-watering treats.  Take a walk inside at the 20+ vendors before heading back to the JW Marriott.  A great workout to rev your engine and appetite. This tour is best as a running or bus tour…we cover a lot of ground.  Please schedule on a day that the Fulton Street Market is open.

Medical Milestones

Not even 200 years ago, a group of American settlers chose the east bank of the Grand  River to put down roots and claim this place to be Grand Rapids. There were no family physicians, a corner Walgreen’s nor a plethora of hospitals to select from.  You’ll learn about frontier medicine, the origin of our healthcare institutions, and meet the  marvelous medical heroes who not only paved the way for a healthier Grand Rapids, but for patients the world over. This topic is also available as a presentation.

Miles and Miles of Murals…Parts One, Two, Three, and Four

Who says art museums must be inside, enclosed with 4 walls, a ceiling and floor?  Swirling all about us in Grand Rapids, in each of our city neighborhoods, vibrant, and intriguing artwork is appearing outside on sides of buildings, underneath highway overpasses, on retaining walls, street surfaces and utility boxes. These are murals, street art, wall art, painted by artists that celebrate beauty, or calls to action, and tributes to heroes.  The murals transform otherwise unnoticeable, or worse, blighted spaces into must-see, energizing attractions.  Viewing these murals is a study in local history, community activism and sheer expressions of creativity… art all the time!  This topic is also available as two presentations.

Monroe North Neighborhood

Come explore the historic North Monroe Neighborhood, one of the 32 neighborhood associations in Grand Rapids. What was once an industrial part of Furniture City is now one of the most exciting and energetic places to live. Journey through yesterday and get a glimpse into tomorrow.  Hug the Mayor’s tree, climb 100+ stairs, witness the greatest view of the city, do a cartwheel in the park, run downhill, watch jumping fish and dip your toes into the mighty Grand River.  All of that in an adventurous and wacky loop, chock full of interesting trivia and sights.  This tour meets at 555 Monroe.

Oakgrove Cemetery – A Peaceful Place

Maybe you have never explored this cozy space in the south side of Grand Rapids.  Or even notice it when you cruise east or west on 28th Street amidst the steady traffic.  This quaint cemetery – hidden from thousands of cars – was once located in the middle of nowhere, a completely rural setting.  Even today, its snug little setting paints a picture of what the area must have looked like back then – with its magnificent stands of mature Oak trees…when it  was called Paris Township Cemetery.  Find out who is buried here.  This tour meets in Oakgrove Cemetery, which is located within the MacKay-Jaycees City Park at 2531 Kalamazoo Ave. S.E..

Oakhill Cemetery… North (Part One) and South (Part Two)

Cemeteries are, in essence, local history books that you can walk through, see first hand, even touch. Oakhill Cemetery is one such place of remarkably rich history, plus exquisite beauty…especially in the autumn.  It is also a peaceful, treasure trove of Grand Rapids lore.  Enjoy the winding pathways in the parklike setting surrounded by mature foliage and manicured lawns.  Oak Hill is a perfect example of a rural garden cemetery, a place of rest and reflection.  Here lie many great persons of local notoriety.  Learn the tales of their interesting lives, and how their gravestones reflect their personal stories.  This tour meets in the small parking lot entrance/gatehouse of Oakhill North on Hall Street.

Owashtanong…the Grand River in Three Parts:  Lower, Middle and Upper.

The city of Grand Rapids was born alongside a one mile stretch of spectacular rapids on our Grand River, the Gichi Ziibe. The flowing river that divides Grand Rapids into east and west has been our region’s life-force since our earliest civilization, 2000 years ago. It was revered by the indigenous peoples…everything man needed was provided by their beloved river.  Then, the pure, rushing waterway was transformed by GR’s explosive growth in the 19th century.  As we move along the historic banks, hear nostalgic tales of times gone by –  the river of history – and learn about its irrepressible flow into the future as it reverts to the past. This tour meets at three different start points.

Park to Park to Park

It’s hard to imagine today’s cities without public parks. But, it wasn’t always that way.  The history of intentional green spaces within an urban setting began in the western world in the 1800’s…about the same time that Grand Rapids was putting down roots and blossoming.  As we walk or motor between the multitude of parks within our city, you’ll hear the where-why-when narrative of these oases in the city.  You’ll then appreciate the early heroes of our park efforts and the re-commitment of today’s park leaders.  Perhaps you’ll plan a picnic for before or after the lovely stroll or ride. This topic is also available as two presentations – Part One (Downtown) and Part Two (The Outer Ring).

Rad American Women A – Z

It began as great accomplishments of females across the country.  Then, their stories  were captured in a book for children by author, Kate Schatz.  Finally, the pages of the book came alive in Grand Rapids, painted on outdoor utility boxes in 2019.  The narrative includes stories about 26 bold, visionary women whose names will be recognized by many, but also introduces you to women you might not know…but should.  Join the hunt for the pieces of urban artwork on almost every intersection of downtown Grand Rapids. This tour is 2.5 hours long for A – Z which will cost more, or you can choose an abbreviated route.  This topic is also available as a presentation.

Remembering Rix

The story of this delightfully charming place we call Ada, actually began well before Rix arrived in 1821.  Learn about the Indigenous peoples, the importance of the rivers, and then, the arrival of the fur traders.  Then, as we move along, you’ll hear how Ada Township grew from a rural, agrarian community into today’s thriving business center, supporting 13,000 residents.  We will explore both the historical village of Ada and the new public amphitheater and riverfront park, and “just opened” retail, restaurants and residential options.  This tour meets in the parking lot in front of the Ada Fresh Market, 444 Ada Drive S.E., Ada.

Saints & Spirits

The bucolic grounds of Aquinas College abound with not only beauty, but historically intriguing stories of earlier lives who traversed the woods, gardens and streams. Learn about the property that was once a dairy farm,  a proper estate, a business college and now a renowned Catholic academic institution. The tour will visit today’s campus buildings that date from the original Lowe family era:  the mansion, carriage house, stables, winery, and gatehouse.  We will also investigate various landmarks on campus which foster superstitious traditions.  And maybe, just maybe, we witness a spirit of haunted Holmdene before we peek at Brookby, a “related” mansion just around the corner.  This tour meets at the front entrance of the college off Fulton, at the Saint Thomas Aquinas sculpture.

Skywalking over Downtown Grand Rapids

Grand Rapids can boast of a nearly one-mile-long skywalk, connecting many buildings and points of interest.  Have you ever explored the path, with its many twists and turns, from start to finish and back again?  It’s amazing what you can see from a slightly higher elevation!  Learn the history of the city, see what’s happening now, and  celebrate its future – all at a comfortable room temperature.


Welcome to South Division!  This tour will take us from Fulton Street, south to Wealthy Street.  Along this busy thoroughfare we will be studying this space which is now part of the Heartside Business Association, the Hotel District, the Heartside Downtown Neighborhood Association, the Avenue for the Arts, the Archdiocese, the Heartside Historic District…the many organizations, businesses, and residents working together to make a positive difference on this bustling corridor.  We’ll learn about its history, the architecture, and the arts and vintage culture.

Steeple Chase… East Side (Part One) and West Side (Part Two)

Learn why Grand Rapids has been called “The City of Churches” on this fascinating tour of religious landmarks.  We’ll pass by churches that date back to 1848 and see multiple architectural styles, soaring spires, expertly crafted stone & brickwork, Tiffany windows and more.  Along the way, you’ll discover the historical importance and contemporary relevance of faith in Grand Rapids.  This topic is also available as a presentation in two parts.

String of Pearls 

There are so many unusual and interesting sights and noteworthy Grand Rapids landmarks that do not fit neatly into an existing “themed” tour.  So, lets string them together in this invaluable tour of gems and jewels – and call it a String of Pearls.  From historically significant buildings to an amazing astronomical post, earliest millstone, and colonial horse trough; you will be dazzled by these brilliant “pearls”.  All of them –  treasures!

The Bloody Fifth Ward 

Imagine in the 1850’s, Plainfield Avenue as a bumpy, dusty and muddy dirt road, connecting rural farmland to the city of Grand Rapids.  That avenue grew into a central business district of its own, with a spunky personality.  Serving as the gateway into Grand Rapids from the north, the Creston neighborhood today is a vibrant, growing, thriving, artsy, energetic place to call home, work and play.  From its early days as the Bloody Fifth Ward to now – there are a lot of stories of the people and places in the largest of the 32 neighborhood associations in Grand Rapids.  This tour meets in the city parking lot behind Stone’s Throw, 1428 Plainfield Ave NE, Grand Rapids.

The Lighter Side of Life

Just for fun and giggles, we examine entertainment through the ages in Grand Rapids as we meander down city streets, past shop windows, restaurants, performance venues, by the Grand River, and museums. What did we do for pleasure back “then”?  What made us laugh?  Are we really willing to give up our twenty-first century electronic toys for a return to the age of innocence?  HA!  Maybe.  This topic is also available as a presentation.

The Tale of Beer City USA 

“In Grand Rapids, the German-born immigrants began arriving in the 1840’s, and within a decade, they were one of the city’s largest immigrant groups.  This increased the local demand for beer and the need for more breweries and brewmasters.”  This is the beginning of the Tale of Beer City USA…as told to participants and seen through the lenses of beer-colored glasses.  In the narrative of this fun and fascinating tour, you will learn about the history of the beer brewing industry in Grand Rapids, its demise and its comeback that earned Grand Rapids the “Beer City” title.  This topic is also available as a  presentation.

Time, Talent, Treasures… Then (Part One) and Now (Part Two)

This is the history of philanthropy in Grand Rapids.  We are a success story of ordinary citizens and courageous leaders who never stop believing in our community and our future.  From our earliest settlers in the nineteenth century until present time, our city has been blessed with a spirit of generosity in vision and action.  Criss-cross downtown to visit those places and spaces which were gifted to us to enjoy.  For better.  For good.  For all.  The topic is also available as a presentation in two parts.

To and Fro.  The History of Transportation in Grand Rapids

We are all travelers most days, short or long-distance. We’re fortunate in the 21st century, are we not? Right outside our front doors and garages, we have miles upon miles of sidewalk, road, rail, waterways and air to offer us efficiency in movement  to go from here to there.  But, it wasn’t always this easy.  Buckle in for a fun journey!  This topic is also available as a presentation.

Twinklin’ Holiday Lights (December evenings)

Are you feeling festive, fun, and frisky?  Come dressed in your finest holiday sweater as we celebrate the merry season together.  Experience downtown Grand Rapids bejeweled and illuminated with both contemporary and nostalgic lighting displays.  The group will pass by uniquely special places, some of which will evoke warm feelings from Christmas’s past.    This topic is also available as a presentation.

Urban Jungle

Few “wild things” can adapt to living without big tracts of forests, wetlands, meadow or open waters.  Cities… wildlife’s worst nightmare with our traffic, concrete, pollution and constant noise.  But, in spite of that, nature persists.  In this tour, we are going hunting for clues and information about our urban fish, trees, animals, birds, bugs, that just yesterday – you thought were totally boring, so common.  Your guide will turn them into something compelling, valuable, and appreciated.  Or, just maybe you’ll give them a little more respect.  This topic is also available as a presentation.

West Side Stories

The Grand River.  It is our city’s natural dividing line between the east and west…long before the US 131 expressway punctuated the boundaries.  Our earliest human history along the banks of the Grand River, is on the West Side.  It was on the west bank where the Indian villages thrived amongst dense forests, valleys, swamps and hills.  Then, as our tiny frontier village grew into a city and factories lined both sides of the once-pristine river banks, settlers arrived from all over the world to start a new life.  The West Side has its own personality, cast of characters, and unique flavor. The old neighborhood has recently overcome the challenges of time and is rebounding with youthful energy and growth.  After all, generations of residents have said, the West Side is the Best Side.  This tour meets in front of New Holland Brewing – The Knickerbocker, 417  Bridge St. N.W.

Women’s Way Murals

Meander through downtown while listening to the back stories of women from Grand Rapids who left an indelible mark in our history.  You will view their images depicted in larger-than-life painted murals on the sides of buildings in alleyways, now named for these women.  The Women’s Way public art initiative blossomed in 2020 as a program led by Downtown Grand Rapids Inc, in partnership with the City of Grand Rapids and the Greater Grand Rapids Women’s History Council.

World of Winter (January and February)

We are a 4-season city!  Every winter since 2019, we hardy Grand Rapidians honor the snow and “dip in temperature” with our own festival – the World of Winter.  Downtown Grand Rapids Inc (DGRI) seeks proposals from art installation vendors from both around the world and locally who can help us celebrate our equally lovable season, winter!  So, plan your nighttime guided walk through the downtown art installations in our winter wonderland Enjoy the back stories of these incredible, temporary art installations.

Young President Ford 

Grand Rapids’ favorite son – Gerald R. Ford – the 38th President of the US, is buried here, beside his wife, Betty, but he was not born here.  In fact, he was not named Gerald R. Ford at birth.  This tour will tell the tale of our humble civil servant as you visit actual places touched by “Junior” during his All-American youth – 1913 through 1931 – in old Grand Rapids.  Experience an inspirational story of a young man who was raised in this great midwestern city to become a world leader.  You will learn where he lived, played, worshipped, studied, and competed athletically.  As a final stop, you will observe Gerald Ford’s tomb, then salute his statue in front of the Presidential Museum and his last working office. This topic is also available as a presentation.

1/26/2025 – 89 Moving Tours, 49 Presentations